A downloadable artwork for Windows

Gare de Vector3, Series of digital 3D environments

By Mitchell Palczewski

In association with Hyperrhiz 27 Special Issue: Blanket Forts and Other Assemblages

 Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures | ISSN 1555-9351

Gare de Vector3 constructs a memory as 3D space and contemplates how objects can be embedded with a spirit. The project collages physical and non-physical materials documented by the artist to assemble a particular memory. Materials are arranged with their relationships in mind to build a structure of context, where meaning is amplified by the sum of its parts. The work invites you to step into the artist's shoes and participate in an exploration of space, accessing and sharing the spirit of the artist. The interpretation of the physical space is left undefined to be felt and contemplated by the user.

Game Play: https://youtu.be/IzUIJQAKfHw


GareDeVector3.zip 247 MB

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